Within the CultureFORM category, as the organizer of the competition together with the Partner of the competition - Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw, we are opening an additional design space for architects along with its theme "Design the toilets of Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw"
The challenge for an architect and a designer is to prepare the concept of toilets located in the theatre spaces, separately women's and men's toilets, including toilets for disabled people.
The project should contain the author's idea and meet the competition requirements contained in the Regulations as well as refer to the base materials.
The sublime climate in the representational spaces Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera is a reason for many Guests to experience culture and contact with the idea of authors. In order to meet the needs of Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw, we are challenging the architectural community to design the theatre's toilets, which should blend in with representative places in a coherent way.
The toilets of Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw are places that you can design and show to the world as your concept.
Take up the "Design the toilets of Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw" challenge!
RegulationsMain Prize
The title of the Laureate within the CultureFORM category in the "Design the toilets of Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera in Warsaw" assignment
1500 euro
Publication, personalized interview and promotion of the Winner in trade journals as well as promotion on Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera website
Placing the author in international promotional materials in the CultureFORM theme
Competition requirements
• Ideological
• Functional
• Formal
• Product
Detailed requirements available in the Regulations of Competition
Criteria of Evaluation
• Compatibility with the theme of the category
• Creativity
• Functionality
• Aesthetics
• Presentation of the project
Detailed criteria available in the Regulations of Competition
Base materials for designers:
Plan in .pdf and .dxf
Plan in .pdf and .dxf format with information on the height of the rooms, technical informations
0,7 Mb
Plans in .dwg format
Plans in .dwg format for CAD Projekt users prepared by CAD Projekt K&A
13,1 Mb